increase website traffic

How To Get 10000 Visiter Per Day On All Website/Blog [Proven]

Hey there, In this post, I shared the fastest way to get 10000 visiter per day on the Website or blog.

Before diving into the how-to get 10000 traffic on a blog, it is a recommendation for you to maintain the loading speed of your website/blog.

Your loading speed of the website may be the cause of not getting desirable traffic on the blog.

Here is the fastest way to double traffic up to 10000 per day on the website.

Fastest Way To Get 10000 Visiter Per Day On All Website/Blog [Proven]

Make Post Title Impressive

If you make your post title impressive, the chances of clicking to your page link will be higher than others.

But how to make Post Title Impressive?

Try to use simple and actionable words such as Free, Best, incredible, and more. This can be the real one of the way to achieve the 10000 visiter per day on the website/blog.

Once the user visits your website, try to engage the user at least 30 sec-60 sec by improving the quality of the article

Write Post lengthy

Why it is recommended to increase traffic on the website?

When you write post lengthy than competitors, it may be rank on top 10 results of Google. The more length means you are providing complete information to the user and want to deliver a better experience.

Obtain User Trust

Make sure you are rendering correct information to the user. if delivered content user likes he/she will come back to the site.

Publish Before Other

If you publish a post before the competitor, your post will get a high rank on google that ultimately increases traffic to your website.

Example: Most of the competitor starts publishing their content before any festival so that it can rank. Google displays the page that is old and highly preferred by users.

Make Headline shorter and Pretty

You will be surprised about knowing that 70% of users don’t read the paragraph that is too long.

They only consider the heading, that’s why make your heading shorter and stimulate the user to read the paragraph. This can be a greater way to make users stay on the website.

Does heading play a vital role in SEO?

Yes, According to Yoast <h1> to <h3> are considered for optimization to rank.These are the higher level heading for SEO point of you and must relate to your topic

Use Mid-range Keyword difficulty

Choose the target keyword that is long instead of a short keyword. Ranking on a long keyword may be easy than a short keyword.

For shorter keyword the keyword difficulty will be high .if you choose a shorter keyword to rank you need a huge backlink through various sources.

Boost Page Loading

“Do Waiting”, Every user hates this. Enhance your website loading speed without losing a single user.

Want to check your website loading speed? visit now to check the cause of slow page loading to fix the problem

However, Google is optimizing your website through the Google web light if you have noticed.

Use Optimized Images

Did you observe? The image gets rank within a week whereas the post may take up to 1-3 months. It is a recommendation to use only optimized images that can increase the traffic up to 10000 visiter per day.

How to optimize the image?

  1. Create an image that talks about the post
  2. compress the image to reduce the size
  3. Don’t forget to put use alt tag(keep the keyword in alt description)

Do Email Marketing

As the name suggests, send an email of your post link with a call to action word to get a conversion.

But how to collect the email to get 10000 visiter per day on the Website?

There are various methods to collect Email addresses, the popular way is formed. Try to collect an email address through the various forms such as popup form, newsletter form and more

Use Google Search Console [Discover]

If you are using Google search console then you must include the discovered keyword in the post.

These keywords can be a bonus for you to drive 1000 traffic per day. so why we miss it.

know what other blogger do with google search console to grow business and traffic

Gather Social traffic on Website

Paste Post link to your higher ranking page

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